The Voice of the NFC: Jose Enrique Santiago Jr.

“Are you ready to THROWDOWN?” energetically announces Jose Enrique Santiago Jr. before a crowd of rambunctious fans moments ahead of the main event. Santiago has made his name as the National Fighting Championships (NFC) ring announcer for the greater part of the past decade — but after sitting down with him, I learned that he is much more than just an announcer.

The Puerto Rican father, son, husband, IT professional, boxer and trainer takes pride in the 48-year old man he is today.

“Life is great man, I’m a tremendously blessed man,” said Santiago.

Growing up in the inner city streets of Chicago, Santiago Jr. credits his father for teaching him hard work, but calls his mother “my hero”.

As father of three daughters and a husband, Santiago says his family means everything to him.

Jose, Wife (Far Left) and three daughters (middle)

Frequently reading Ring Magazine as a child, Santiago fell in love with ‘The Sweet Science’ of boxing — even competing in a few fights as an adult. Now he teaches individuals how to box and stay in shape at Team Octopus gym in Sandy Springs, Georgia.

Always being in and around the fighting scene, Santiago got an opportunity to announce a few boxing matches for local promotions before meeting NFC promoter David Oblas — the beginning of a long running relationship between the two.

“My wisdom comes from everything I’ve gone through,” says Santiago adding, “if you work hard, that’s what will differentiate you between other people.”

I interviewed Jose Enrique Santiago Jr because I respect him as an announcer, a man and as a father.

Thank you Jose — Here are your flowers. #supportahustla